Monday, May 09, 2005

Mom's Day

How pathetic am I that on Mother's Day my mom calls me! Now I would have called her. She must have been having one of her moments where she's kinda bored and there wasn't anything good on TV so she decided to call me and wish ME a Happy Mother's Day! I'm not a mom. Well...not to a human that is. I'm a mom to a dog...but I guess it still counts. Just the same, I still felt bad.

It was about noon. I was up, sort of. I had been up and it was such a gorgeous day that I decided to open up the windows and doors and let the air in and just lounge around on a glorious Sunday morning. Hey, lounging can get tiring so I must have dozed on and off numberous times throughout the morning. I know I missed the Golden Girls (another reason I'm pathetic...and single). But at 12:03pm mom's calling. I think I managed to sound awake but I'm sure she suspected that she did, in fact, just wake me up. What can I say...this life of leisure is getting boring. I need to work, but I digress.

I remain a pathetic daughter because my mom couldn't wait any longer and ended up calling me so I could wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Man, I suck.

To all moms. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! You deserve it!