Monday, June 20, 2005


So this is interesting. Why is it that when someone pays attention to you. I mean dotes on you. Is romantic, complimentary, shows interest in you... If it's not the person you love then it really doesn't mean much at all. Why is that? When one can be looking for love. Want to be in love. But if it's not from the one you want it from, then it just doesn't matter. How difficult do we need to make this here?

Maybe it's the romance part. Some of us are really cut out to be romantic. Others just seem to be missing that romance gene. Truly, if the love is there, who needs romance. Some of the most mundane shit can be considered "romantic". If you're really into the person just being with them can be "romantic". To me...that's romance. I really don't care about the romance shit. It's really all about the person and the thought. All the fancy flowers, things and stuff is nice... but they're just things. And all those things from the wrong person...just doesn't change a "thing".