Saturday, May 28, 2005


What is this all about? Relationships, casual sex, friendships. How do we define our roles in a time when gender roles are so equal? Are they? Do we date anymore? What is a date? Books on him not being into me and now maybe I'm not that into him. Are we even "into" each other? How do people get together anymore? I hear about it. My friends are doing it. Yet it still eludes me.

The older I get the more baggage they have. Even dating men who are divorced with teenagers. TEENAGERS! I could be sleeping with a guy that isn't that far out of highschool or I could be having dinner with a guy who's kids are IN highschool! When did I get here? What happened along the way? Is it bad that I don't wait very long into the "dating" before we're into the "sex"? What's the secret to a successful relationship? Do I even want a relationship? Especially since the success rate of relationships is less than 50%. Not very good odds.

But man...what a fabulous feeling when you're in love. That's probably one of the very few times that I feel so completely alive. And that's such a wonderful feeling!
Yet all too often I am lied to, cheated on, misguided...all by men! Why can't they just be honest? Are they so insecure with themselves that they feel if you really know about them you wouldn't want them. One thing is for sure...when I find out they have lied...and I always do...I'm no longer as impressed with them as I once was.

So what is the secret? I have been single for many years and, for the most part, I'm happy with my life. I've grown and matured into a wonderful person. I like who I am. I have such wonderful friends! So what's the secret? Why does a relationship continue to be so hard to find? I do realize that one thing is holding me back and that's something I'm trying to deal with. Or let go of. But I still don't understand why, when it's happening for others all over the place. Why can't I find it? Why does it continue to elude me? What am I doing wrong in my quest for a great man? A great relationship? With the millions of single men on this planet, is it so hard to find ONE? One good one? Oops...see there I go...."good one" means my standards are still too high!

The quest continues...or should I say saga.