Saturday, July 16, 2005

signs everywhere

I plod along...{{sign}}. I keep plodding along...another {{SIGN}}. Soon the signs are so huge, yet, so true to my nature, I am stubborn. I refuse to see the signs. However, I will overlook them no longer.

It has been said that lessons will repeat themselves until they are learned. My God how I have wasted time trying so hard to convince myself that this is not the same pattern. But it is. As the saying goes...Same shit, different day. And packaged so pretty too.

I am a fan of some of the 80's sitcoms. One being Designing Women. I loved Julia Sugarbaker's charisma! Her ability to verbally annihilate those that got her so fired up was amazing! I remember one such attack and it goes something like this....

"Growing up in rural Georgia, I've been around compost. I've seen it tilled, hoed and spread across fields far and wide. However I must say that I've never seen it presented in such a pretty package as you...but that doesn't change the fact that it's still...COMPOST."

As stated previously...same shit different day and packaged so pretty.