Friday, January 31, 2003

I'm so grateful for my friends. I consider myself very lucky to have the quality friendships that I have. I mean they aren't just surface friendships, they are true friendships. Ones that you can count on when times are good and bad. That is so important to me especially since I don't have family that lives close by. I guess I'm getting all schmoopy right now because my car decided it didn't want to stop today. Scared me to death since I was cruising off of the interstate and I tried to slow down and I had the brake peddle completely to the floor and I was still moving! Now I don't know much about cars, other than how to drive them, but I do know that not being able to stop is not a good sign. Not knowing what to do I called my dad who lives, not so conveniently, in Las Vegas and told him my dilemma. He tried to advise me the best he could but admitted he didn't know much about cars to be helpful. Fortunately, "B" called and I explained my predicament to him. Without hesitation, he said he would come by and take a look just to make sure everything was OK. And just like that, fifteen minutes later, "B"
pulled up to the rescue! Now, of course when someone treks across town to see what is wrong with my car, there is NOTHING wrong with my car! So I felt like an idiot that he had come so far out of his way for nothing, but I sure was appreciative of him for doing that. I just had to brag about what a nice gesture and a nice guy "B" is because of his concern for my safety. I certainly hope that I am just as good a friend to others as my friends are to me. Aw shucks, Thanks, "B".

I think I'm partied out. This week has just been one event after another. The Superbowl, the BUCS winning the Superbowl, the trip to the stadium to welcome the "World Champions" on Monday night was amazing. The energy in the stadium was almost surreal. The BUCS parade on Tuesday and out that night. Last night I was on stage at my 5th open mic night at the IMPROV. (incidently, it went very well) The build up of excitement for the night and I'm simply exhausted. It's obvious that I can't "party" like I used to. This responsible "adult" thing is wearing me out. Staying out late then getting up again in the morning and having to work and be "professional". And my company has some stupid policy that you can't show up to work intoxicated....whatever!
Thank God my meetings originally scheduled for Friday have been canceled. I don't think I could sit through another long, drawn out, boring meeting.

I'm in desperate need of a brow waxing and a pedicure. Financially, can't make it this month but I'll certainly do my best to pluck those hairy brows and pummis the shit out of my feet so I can continue my quest to impress the next man I may encounter. Not that waxing my brows and smoothing my feet will be the only way I impress a man. But the little things do matter. I mean in talking with my male friends, it just so happens that guys do notice these things. That and enourmous breasts. Guys do seem to notice that way before they would notice your brows or feet. However, if you've not been blessed with "big tits" then I guess focusing on something that you can control, like eye brow hair and scaley feet....well, we can certainly work with that. And since the weather is warming up, it will soon be time to sport some "open toe shoes" so my feet must look at their very best for their big "coming out". And if all else fails....well, I can always resort to stuffing my bra to it's maximum potential and hoping that it works. Interesting that I went from partying too much this week to eye brow waxing and skanky feet. And of course ending with boobs. I'm going to bed.

FYI, I'll be going up at the Orlando Improv on February 4th. If this club has another name I don't know what it is but it's a new club and I'll be there. 8pm, Feb. 4th.

Monday, January 27, 2003


Sunday, January 26, 2003

GO BUCS! GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sending some good energy and good KARMA out to San Diego so the BUCS kick some Raiders ASS!!!!!!!!!!
It's going to be a great game. Last I heard the Las Vegas Strip has given the Bucs four points. Which is odd since they are going to KILL THE RAIDERS! And for some stupid, completely ridiculous reason, my work has scheduled a mandatory OSHA Safety Training session meeting at 9:00a.m. tomorrow. Now company policy states that you are not allowed to show up at work while intoxicated. Therefore, I may have to call in sick as I must follow company policy!

And a reminder that I will be going up on stage this January 29th, 8:00pm at Tampa's Centro Ybor Improv. Get in free by saying my name at the ticket window. Hopefully I'll be funny. Also, I'm going up February 4th, in Orlando's new Improv. I've heard great things about that Improv.

GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Reminder: My next night on stage at the Tampa Ybor Improv will be open mic night on Wednesday, January 29th, at 8pm. You get in free if you say you're there to see me at the ticket window. I expect everyone to be there even if you have to fly in from out of town! That includes, NYC, VEGAS, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA. Now it's time to destress and watch the Golden Girls. (I'm not ashamed to admit that)

Exciting day for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday! We blew away the Niners!!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Bucs can keep the momentum going and break the losing streak with the Eagles. Let's hope for warmer weather in Philly this weekend! This is personal for me since my dad is from Philly and he's rooting for the Eagles....the Bucs have to win! We've got a bet going and I hate losing!
Besides, I've got a Superbowl party to go to and it would be so awesome if the Bucs were in the Bowl!

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Tonight has been one of the best nights I have had in a very long time and it didn't even include any "physical" activity. I had the honor and privilege of meeting Paula Poundstone, my all time favorite comedian! A true high!
She is such an amazing person. So gifted and talented! And I can't wait to get my pictures developed as I had to get a pic with her! What more can I say. Talk about this being in the present moment and totally enjoying it!!!
OK, so this is an exciting blog for me but not too much excitement for you. Hey, now I know how a guy feels when he reaches orgasm and the woman doesn't (typical).....exciting for him......not so great for the woman. Until next time.

Friday, January 10, 2003

I have just scheduled my next night on stage at the Tampa Ybor Improv. The next open mic night at the Improv is January 29, 2003, 8:00pm.
Tell the person at the ticket window you are there to see me and you get in for free!

And some other exciting news. I will be meeting Paula Poundstone this Saturday and I am sooooo looking forward to that! She is my favorite comedian! Well....exciting blog today. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I'm not ready for the weekend to be over just yet. Whenever I pass by one of those billboards with the estimated Lotto jackpot, I always imagine what I'd do if I won all that money. How would I resign from work. What my first purchase would be.....actually I know exactly what my first purchase would be. I'd go right down to the Jaguar dealership and slap down my money on a Jaguar XKR convertable. Black. I've wanted a Jaguar as far back as I can remember liking cars.

It's not that I'm not perfectly happy with my life right now, it's just so much fun to dream a little. Although, isn't there a verse in a Sheryl Crow song that says "it's not getting what you want, but wanting what you've got". What would life be without some of those dreams, though. So that's one of my many dreams. Something to do while I sit on a Sunday night thinking about all the paperwork I have to do tomorrow. Oh well, such is life. I'm just doing what is expected in the world of form. (now ain't that deep) And for those who like music, I have to highly recommend Norah Jones' new CD 'Come Away With Me'. Great easy listening music. Probably why I'm not feeling funny tonight...just feeling. Have a great week and remember...."you can't have everything, where would you put it?" (quoted by Steven Wright and oh so appropriate)

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Happy New Year! Since 2002 ended pretty well, I'm sure that 2003 will be even better! (I have to stay optimistic)
I managed to bring the New Year in with friends and lots of other people down in Ybor City. It was a fun night, although completely soaking wet. I certainly made a lot of male friends when I announced from time to time that I was so wet. But I was! I mean the weather was horrible. Gotta love that El Nino. (Note to self, never wear velvet pants when it's monsoon season. The pant legs ended up being 6 feet long!) My goal was to have a great time, ring in the New Year with friends and get a New Year's kiss. I love it when I set goals and achieve them! Granted, the kiss was a mercy kiss from my friend, but it was still a kiss. And there was some kiss from a complete stranger that happened like a flash of lightening. I don't even know if he was cute....good kisser though.
All in all it was a great time and my friends were so awesome! "J" and "J" I owe you guys a night out! And congrats to that couple who got engaged! What a way to go! I can't remember their names but they were a cute couple and what a fabulous ring! Now that guy has some great taste in jewelry! Where can I get a guy like that?
(And a side note for those guys who just don't "get it"......we can tell if it's fake, so erase the thought of a CZ from your cheap-ass mind!)